Avery Morrow LMBT 7968

Licensed massage therapist Avery Morrow started with a single vision to make her clients feel better than they ever have before. With years of experience working as a massage therapist, she prides herself on working hard to make each client feel nurtured and cared for.Avery will give you her time as well as her ear to make sure that you are receiving the treatment that is right for you.

Trained in NY, Avery holds an Associates Degree in Massage Therapy with extensive training in Amma Therapy and Medical Massage. She has evolved her massage through her work environments including wellness centers, chiropractic, and the spa environment.Through knowledge and interaction she has developed a massage technique like no other massage therapist.

Described as unique and one of a kind she is sure to

leave you feeling rejuvenated!!

Changing One Life at Time!!